"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." --Albert Einstein

Here we are at the last week of school! You should know the drill by now, but in case you don't here it is again:

Monday, 6/15= 1st period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 5th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)

Tuesday, 6/16= 2nd period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 6th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)
Wednesday, 6/17= 3rd period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 7th period final (10:20am-12:20pm
Thursday, 6/18= 
4th period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 8th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)

U.S. History= Please be sure to bring a pencil, something to read, & your textbook and stamped work (if not already turned in) to your final!

AP Euro= Don't forget to bring something to write with, your textbook, & stamped work to class!

Final grades for the semester will be posted by Friday, 6/19 at noon for all classes. Check back later in the week for some photos of the classes!

Don't forget...next Sunday, 6/21 is Father's Day!

Do you know Kid President??? You ought to! Check him out below.


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