"When Freedom from her mountain height unfurled her standard to the air, she tore the azure robe of night, and set the stars of glory there." --Joseph Rodman Drake, The American Flag

U.S. History= Your 4th Quarter Study Guides were given out and are due on Thursday, 6/11 for odd periods and Friday, 6/12 for even periods. Your stamped work is due the same day (you may also bring your textbook in on that day...if your textbook is not turned in on your final day you will receive an "incomplete" for the course)! 
  • On that given day you will be taking the first part of your final. 
  • Part 1 of the final (covering the 4th Quarter) is on Thursday & Friday and part 2 (covering the 2nd Semester) of the final is on your assigned final day the following week. 
  • Come prepared with questions you might have about the study guides and the material on Tuesday, 6/9 & Wednesday, 6/10. 
  • Don't forget that your TED Talk wrap-up is due by 9pm on Saturday, 6/13For more details click on the "TED Talks Project" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for an on-line copy of the assignment's instructions. 

A.P. Euro=  Your final group project is due on Friday, June 12th. Be sure that you have ALL parts of the project completed including the individual reflection with your bibliography included.
      Please bring your textbooks & stamped work to class on Friday, 6/12 (we will be checking your textbooks back in to the library as a class on that day)Additionally, you should be aware that there is still a portion of your final that will be done in class during during your assigned final period.

FYI...Sunday, June 14th is Flag Day!


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