"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." ~John Steinbeck

This week's schedule:
Monday– Memorial Day (no school)
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– Late Start B day
Thursday– A day (rally schedule)
Friday– B day
 U.S. History= .
  • Your 4th Quarter Project on "The Most Influential American" match-ups will take place in class this week! It is vital to your success on this project that you be in class this week!  Here is a link to the actual assignment & these are the forms that were due last week.
  • Be reading Chapter 17 & 18 in your textbook; we have already many of the topics that come up in those chapters. There will be a Quiz on the two Chapters next week!
AP Euro= .
  • You may turn in your commitment forms for the Board Game Project starting, 6/1. You will be given at least 30 minutes of class time each period (prior to the due date) to work with your group! Use your time wisely. 
  • The project is due Friday, 6/10. I will post a link to the assignment sheet later this week.

It's already June?!?!?


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