“As full of spirit as the month of May, and as gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer.” ― William Shakespeare

This week's schedule:
Monday– B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– Late Start B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day
   U.S. History= .
  • Those of you taking AP & IB Exams must communicate in advance when you will be missing class & follow up to get what you have missed. 
  • Your 1960s/Vietnam Era Study Guide (to be completed in your comp books) is due on Tuesday, 5/10 & Wednesday, 5/11. If there is a Study Guide due there is a test that day! 
AP Euro= .
  • Those of you taking AP & IB Exams must communicate in advance when you will be missing class & follow up to get what you have missed. 
  • We will recap last week's exam and discuss some of the topics we will be covering in class as we finish out the semester.
  • There may be a film started in class this week. 


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