“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison

This week's schedule:
Monday– A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday– Late Start A day
Thursday– B day
Friday– A day
   U.S. History= .
  • If you have not started already, please be reading Chapter 16...you will receive a 1960s/Vietnam Era Study Guide in class on Monday & Tuesday to be completed in your composition book. It is due NEXT week!
  • In class this week we will continue looking at Primary Sources & Attitudes about the Vietnam War (part of that is completing the worksheet you started in class lest Thursday & Friday).
  • There will be an Extra Credit assignment given out in class on Monday & Tuesday (depending upon odd or even periods) that is due on Wednesday & Thursday!!! Extra Credit is NOT accepted late (if you miss class...for any reason it is still your responsibility to stop by & pick up what you missed).
  • Those of you taking AP & IB Exams must communicate in advance when you will be missing class & follow up to get what you have missed.
AP Euro= .
  • On Monday we will be going over some items from our in-class exam last week & prepping the paperwork/bubble-sheet for the actual exam.
  • Be sure to check your school emails (on School Loop) for reminders & links to help you review!
  • In addition to the review we do in class, you need to come up with your own review schedule to prepare for the exam! Maybe considering using this.


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