"February is the border between winter and spring." --Terri Guillemets

This Week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A Day
Tuesday– B Day
Wednesday– A Day
Thursday– B Day
Friday–  A Day

U.S. History= 
  • We will be wrapping up World War II this week.
  • If you missed the Chapter 10 Quiz it MUST be made up before the test!
  • Be working on your Chapter 10 & 11 Study Guide that is due 3/2 & 3/5.
  • There is a World War II test (with map questions) on the day your study guide is due. 
A.P. Euro= 
  • Make sure that you are keeping up with the reading schedule & start your study guide that is due on 3/2 (there are also 2 maps & 1 journal with Chapter 27).
  • Our focus this week with Chapter 27 is World War I & the Russian Revolution.
  • We will take the Multiple Choice portion of the Exam on Chapters 26 & 27 on Friday, 3/2 (there will be some time spent reviewing material at the start of the period).


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