“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” —Abraham Lincoln
ALL CLASSES...click on the "Field of Honor Extra Credit" tab at the top of the "home page" to the for an Extra Credit Opportunity that expires on Monday, 5/27!
This week’s schedule:
Late Start A day
Tuesday- B
A day
B day (Extended Lunch Schedule)
Friday- A
U.S. History=
- Please be reading Chapters 17 & 18 in your textbook
at home as we continue to look at political & Social issues of the
1970s in class.
- Additionally, your 4th Quarter Project on "The
Most Influential American” will introduced this week as well. Here is a link to the actual assignment
& these are the forms that must be completed and
turned in on 5/28 (for A day classes) and 5/29 (for B day classes).
- Expect a Quiz on Chapters 17 & 18 on Tuesday, 5/21 & Wednesday, 5/22.
- Before the week is over you will have a new study guide to begin working on.
AP Euro=
- As we move past the AP Euro Exam, consider which
historical figures we have studied this year you believe to me most
interesting or have had the greatest impact on European History.
- Be sure to complete the backside of the handout you
were given in class on Friday.
- Also this week we will be introduced to the Research
project & how to develop a research question.
- We will be learning how to better craft a research
questions and use online databases to find research articles that would be
good academic sources.