“For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." – President James A. Garfield

This week’s schedule:
Monday- Memorial Day (no school)
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday- B day
Thursday- Rally Schedule A day
Friday- B day

U.S. History=
  • Your 4th Quarter Project research for "The Most Influential American” project is due at the start of this week. 
    • Remember that this portion is worth the most points, s please be thorough with your work to maximize the points you earn!
    • Here is a link to the actual assignment & these are the forms that must be completed and turned in on 5/28 (for A day classes) and 5/29 (for B day classes).
      • They do not have to be typed, but the option has been provided for you to type or hand write it.
  • Please be reading your textbook at home (especially Chapter 19) even as we are taking state mandated Science test in History class this week.
  • Your final study guide was passed out on 5/15 & 5/16.
      • Here is a link to that study guide covering chapters 17, 18, & 19.
      • The actual due date for this study guide is June 13th for A day classes & June 14th for B day classes.

AP Euro=
  • If you did not show me at least 5 appropriate academic articles that you found last class, please be sure to show me at the start of this week so you can receive credit for the task.
  • Your Annotated Bibliography is due on Friday, May 31st.
    • It must be uploaded to www.turnitin.com before class starts to receive full credit.
    • If you missed class the day that portion was explained, please check the "Annotated Bibliography" tab on the home page for a step-by-step break down of the assignment or check your School Loop email for a message I sent last Friday with the information.
  • Before the week is over the final group project will be introduced.
    • Be thinking about who you would like to work with…groups will most likely be 4 or 5 people.


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