"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

The above quote is by Dale Carnegie.

Nothing is due this week for any of the classes...instead we are taking finals. The following is the schedule for finals week:
Monday -- 1st period 8:00-10:00
5th period 10:20-12:20
Tuesday -- 2nd period 8:00-10:00
6th period 10:20-12:20
Wednesday -- 3rd period 8:00-10:00
7th period 10:20-12:20
Thursday -- 4th period 8:00-10:00
8th period 10:20-12:20
Friday -- No school for students

Final grades for the fall semester will be posted on-line by Monday, February 4th.


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