The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

The quote above is by Martin Luther King Jr.

US= Quiz on Chapter 8 section 3 and Chapter 9 sections 1 & 2 on Thursday and Friday of this week. Cornell notes this time, but you need to be reading the textbook to be prepared for the quiz each week. (Your only homework this time around is to complete the worksheets in the workbook...pages 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80...this is due on Thursday 1/24 and Friday 1/25.)

PacRim/IR= Your quest on the disease unit is this Monday(1/14). We will be moving on and taking a look at War & Conflict next...we'll be moving fast so it is important that you be in class these next few weeks before the semester ends!

Extra Credit...this is super easy folks! I am asking you to do me a favor & I will give you points for doing it! I am asking you to log on as a student to Newport Harbor's Schools 4 Schools website (which is a part of the Invisible Children organization). This club has been working really hard to raise money to help rebuild schools in war-torn Northern Uganda. By getting people to log on we are basically raising awareness...feel free to cruise around the rest of the site & especially the section on "last year's winner's" (we were the top fundraising school in the nation last spring!) to find out more about what is going on. Here's what you need to do: follow the directions below, wait to be "approved" as a member, and I will put 10 points in the gradebook for you.
1- go to this link:
2- enter your e-mail address (they do not send out e-mails very often & if you do not want the updates you can click "no" at the bottom)
3- choose a user name & password (then re-enter your password)
4- click "student" NOT "supporter"
5- scroll down and select "Newport Harbor High School" as the school you want to support
6- enter your first name, last name, & zip code in the specific boxes
7- select your country (all of you would be the US)
8- indicate your gender & enter your date of birth
9- upload a profile photo (this is can be done later if you would like)
10- click in the box next to "I agree to the Terms & Conditions of this site"
11- hit the "Sign Up" button to send the form in


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