Extra Credit alert!

Here it is folks...first extra credit opportunity of the semester!

On Monday, March 7th at 6:00 pm a new film by Invisible Children will be showing in the Robert B. Wentz Theater (that the theater at NHHS). Your task is to go and watch the film (it's about 35 minutes long) and then do a brief film review. The film review should follow this given format:
  1. What caught your attention about this film? Explain why. (Should be a minimum of two sentences.)
  2. What is the moment in the film that stands out to you? Retell an incident or moment from the movie, which you think, captures the spirit of the movie, as you understood it. (Should be a minimum of one paragraph.)
  3. In one or two sentences explain very simply what the film is all about--don't just tell the story of what happens, but tell what the film is really about. (Should be a maximum of two sentences.)
  4. In detail describe something important that interested you about the film. If the music played a big role you should say something about the songs or if the soundtrack was good, talk about that or write more about one character/individual who was really intriguing. You could even retell a big moment from the film and explain why it is important. If you think the "idea" behind a movie was really interesting, explain that idea and talk about it a little bit. (Should be a minimum of one paragraph.)
  5. Do you recommend it or not? Who will like it (kids, teens, or adults)? The most important thing here is that you must also explain why you are making your recommendation.You must justify your opinion--and that opinion should grow out of what you write in the rest of the review. Give at least two reasons why you liked or didn't like the movie. (Should be a minimum of one paragraph.)
This is due Friday, March 11th.
The film will be shown on Monday, March 7th starting at 6:00pm at the Robert B. Wentz Theater located on the Newport Harbor Campus at 600 Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach.


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