"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."

Did you go & see the film on Monday night? Don't forget the write-up is due by Friday! Instructions are in the previous post (look below).

US= Part 2 of your World War II test this week! Be sure to read through Chapters 10 & 11 in preparation! Don't forget that your pink registration form is due this week also! (Thursday, 3/10 for odd periods & Friday, 3/11 for even periods). Not only is this an assignment, but it is finally your chance to register first and get all the elective class you really want!

Sociology= Quiz #2 is on Wednesday, 3/9/11...be sure to go over your notes. The quiz will cover "Sociology & the Scientific Method" to "Major Sociological Theories". Remember that you also have a simple homework assignment due Wednesday...find a picture advertisement or cartoon from a newspaper or magazine that depicts one of the 5 variables that depicts human behavior (glue/tape/staple it to the left side of your notebook) and write a sentence or two explaining why/how it applies. Final note...the due date for your group project is Friday, March 25th.


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