"If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." -- Thomas Edison

U.S. History= You have a have a quiz on the 70s on Wednesday, 5/22 & Thursday, 5/23...so that means you should be reading from chapters 17 & 18 in your textbook! We are also preparing for CST/STAR Tests next week.

A.P. Euro= We are now in the final days of getting you prepped for the CST/STAR (the California State Tests) exams by filling in some of the gaps about World History so you can score well! You were given a workbook in class on Tuesday...please answer the 5 questions on the following pages: 21, 36, 51, 71, 79, & 81, they are due on Thursday, 5/23. ***Also by Thursday, 5/23 you will need to sign-up for your topic for the "Travel to a Moment in European History" poster project!


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