Extra Credit Alert!

The Exchange Club of Newport Harbor will line the scenic trail at Castaways Park with 1,776 American flags this coming weekend in honor of military veterans. They are calling it the “Field of Honor,” and it is one of 16 similar efforts that will be sponsored by Exchange Clubs nationwide this year. This is the fourth year they have set up this display. As members of the Exchange Club have said, “It’s not pro-war, or anti-war, it’s strictly to honor our service men and women.”

Being that we are coming up on Memorial Day which is a National Holiday honoring those who have fallen in the line of duty. I am offering 10 points of extra credit for you to go out and see this awesome display at the park located at Dover Drive and Castaways Lane.

To get the extra credit please have someone take a picture of you near the statue (as seen in the photo below) on the bluffs with all the flags around. You may have the photo taken showing any direction that includes flags. This must be done today Friday, May 17th through Sunday, May 19th between 9am and sundown. The picture may be taken with a regular camera or cell phone, etc...do not bring a print out of the picture you will simply e-mail it to kkirby@nmusd.us to receive the extra credit points (you can send the photo from your phone as a text message to my email if that is easier for you).


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