“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” -Art Williams

Check back for an extra credit alert on Friday!

U.S. History= We are moving on to the 1970s in our studies! Expect to have a quiz on the 70s on Wednesday, 5/22 & Thursday, 5/23...so that means you should be reading from chapters 17 & 18 in your textbook!
A.P. Euro= The AP Euro exam is finally here! Be sure that you get a good night's sleep the night before the exam and obviously eat a good breakfast & lunch on Wednesday. Please stop by class at lunchtime on Wednesday to pick up your AP booklet & a couple of other little things I have for you (stop by even if you have your AP booklet from taking a prior test)! Be sure that you report to the small gym no later than 12:05pm and be sure to have extra pencils and pens on hand in addition to your student id (to be on the safe side). Do not plan on being done until sometime between 3:30 and 4:00; you are not allowed to leave early. After the exam we have 3 class days to get you prepped on filling in some of the gaps about World History so you can score well on your CST/STAR (the California State Tests) exams!


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