“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression.” ― Robert McKee

This week's schedule:
Monday– Memorial Day, No School
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day
U.S. History= 

  • Last week in class you were given a mini-packet of Section Summaries that are due on Thursday, 5/31 & Friday, 6/1.
    • Expect a Quiz on Chapters 17 & 18 on Thursday, 5/31 & Friday, 6/1.
  • Additionally, our 4th Quarter Project on "The Most Influential American" will be introduced this week as well. Here is a link to the actual assignment & these are the forms that must be completed and turned in on 5/31 (for A day classes) and 6/1 (for B day classes).
    • If your packet is not turned in, you will not receive any credit for this project.

AP Euro= 
  • Intro to research paper project...
    • If you missed class on Tuesday. please confirm what topic you would like with Miss Kirby, as we had a topic "draft" in class.
    • Day 1 (Tuesday) choosing a topic & learning about databases.
      • UPDATE: Here is a link to the handout you were given on Tuesday about the online databases you have access to through the library. Because this link has our school login info you will need to use your school email to access it (for example 654321@nmusd.us).
    • Day 2 (Thursday) finding articles that help answer/address your topic
      • Info about how to print & format these articles will be covered in class
      • Your five articles (related to your topic are due on Monday, June 4th)
      • Here is a link to a document you can download with further directions about starting your annotated bibliography.  
  • Comp books will be collected one final time, to count stamped work from this semester.


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