“When things go wrong, don't go with them.” ― Elvis Presley

ALL CLASSES...click on the "Field of Honor Extra Credit" tab at the top of the "home page" to the  for an Extra Credit Opportunity that expires on Sunday, 5/27!

This week's schedule:
Monday– Late Start B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day
U.S. History= 
  • Please be reading Chapter 18 in your textbook at home as we continue to look at political & social issues in the 1970s in class.
  • Additionally, your 4th Quarter Project on "The Most Influential American" will be introduced this week as well. Here is a link to the actual assignment & these are thforms that must be completed and turned in on 5/31 (for A day classes) and 6/1 (for B day classes).
  • Expect a Quiz on Chapters 17 & 18 on Thursday, 5/31 & Friday, 6/1.

AP Euro= 
  • Plan on debriefing about the AP Euro exam before we take a look at our schedule for the rest of the school year this week.
  • Consider which historical figures we have studied this year you believe to me most interesting or have had the greatest impact on European History.


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