"Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you."

This week's schedule:
Monday- Late Start A day
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday-  B day
Friday- A day

U.S. History=

  • There will be a JFK & LBJ Quiz on Friday, 5/4 (for 3rd period) & Monday, 5/7 (for 2nd, 4th, & 6th periods). Be reading Chapter 15 to be better prepared
  • This week we will be looking at LBJ in office...his domestic policy programs & his foreign policy as it relates to Vietnam.
  • Expect to receive a new study guide before the week is over 

AP Euro= 
  • The in-class exam (that will be a portion of your Final grade for this class will be on Friday, 5/4 and Tuesday, 5/8...as was given on your semester reading schedule given out the first week of February).
  • Stick to your own study plan! Although we will be reviewing in class it is important for you to commit additional time to be prepared.  
    • Check the School Loop emails I am sending.
    • Here is a link to the "One Month AP European History Study Guide" that I shared in class before the break. Remember you do not need to use this plan, but it may provide you with some helpful ideas. 
    • Additionally, here is a link to the Romulus AP Euro review app (yes, it does cost $4.99, but it might be a good option for you depending on your learning style).


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