“Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace.” ― Todd Stocker

This week's schedule:
Monday– No School Veterans Day observed
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday–  B Day

U.S. History= 
  • Your Chapter 4 Study guide (completed in your comp book) is due on 11/19 (for A day classes) and 11/20 (for B day classes) there will be a Chapter 4 Quiz in class that day.
  • Your annotated bibliography, as explained in class, is due on 11/26 & 11/27...that is nearly two weeks to accomplish this task.
    • A synopsis of the directions for this process is posted in a tab labeled "Annotated Bibliography" on the home page.
  • ***3rd period…please consider bringing in at least 2 non-perishable food items for the Food Drive that ends next Monday!
  • ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family.
A.P. Euro= 
  • You have a Chapter 18 & 19 Exam this week on Wednesday, 11/14. Please be prepared to turn in your comp books (including both study guides, journals, & map) on that day.
    • You will only be taking the multiple choice portion of the test on that day. 
    • After the Multiple Choice portion of the test you will get the breakdown for the rest of the week (including info about a small group project/presentation).
  • Check your School Loop email for a message with review links from me (sent last week)!
  • Before the end of the week you will have your Chapter 20 handouts as well!


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