"We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count." -Neal A. Maxwell
This week's schedule:
Monday- Late Start A Day
Tuesday- B Day
Wednesday- No School
Thursday- Thanksgiving (no school)
Friday- No School
U.S. History=
- Your Chapter 4 Study Guide (completed in your comp book) is due on Monday, 11/19 & Tuesday, 11/20.
- There will be a Chapter 4 Quiz in class that day.
- Your Annotated Bibliography is due after the Thanksgiving break (11/26 & 11/27).
- It must be uploaded to www.turnitin.com by 8:00am of the due date for you to receive credit.
- If you missed class the day that portion was explained, please check the "Annotated Bibliography" tab on the home page.
- That tab will also have login info for you to join the proper "A" or "B" day class on turnitin.com.
- We will be using your comp books in class on Monday, 11/26 & Tuesday, 11/27 (after the break)...if you did not bring yours before the break, please bring it to class that day!
- ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family.
A.P. Euro=
- Your group presentation on your assigned portion of Chapter 20 is due on Tuesday, 11/20.
- By the end of class on Tuesday you should have the Chapter 20 study guide completed (as the plan is to cover it all in class).
- Please take some time over the break to get started on the Chapter 21 Study Guide (it’s a jam packed chapter on the French Revolution & Napoleon)…you’ll get the chapter outline in class on Tuesday with the study guide too.
- Expect a Chapter 21 Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, 11/27.
Here is hoping that there are plenty of leftovers for you & your family!