“So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?" -Martin Luther King, Jr.

This Week's Schedule:
Monday-- No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day

Friday–  B day
ANY & ALL make-up work (tests & quizzes too) MUST be completed by Friday, 1/25!

U.S. History= 
    • We will wrap up the Life in the 1930s notes in class & begin reviewing for the 1st Semester Final.
    • Comp books will be passed back on Tuesday & Wednesday in class; if yours was not turned in last week please bring it with you.
    • The completed Chapter 9 Study Guide is due in your comp book on the day of your final. (See the photo below for a picture of the calendar on the board in class.)
    • You will need your comp book with you in class on Thursday & Friday. On that day stamped work in your comp book will be counted.
      • Remember that stamps are extra credit at the end of the semester.
      • In addition to having stamps, your comp book should be an excellent tool to help you review for the final.
      • Please also use the 1st Semester blue handout you were given to help you review & checkout other tips that were emailed to you last week via School Loop!
A.P. Euro= 
  • We will be wrapping up Chapter 24 on Wednesday, 1/23. Be sure that you are reading the chapter & know the vocabulary!
  • Your Chapter 24 study guide should be with you (in your comp book) that day.
    • Be sure to check the School Loop email that I sent a couple of weeks ago the link to the compiled Chapter 24 presentations...these can be very helpful when reviewing.
  • The rest of the class period on Wednesday will be reviewing & prepping for the final.
  •  Your final will be modeled after an actual AP Exam: 
    • The first part of your final will be an in-class LEQ (long essay question) on Friday, 1/25.
    • The second part will be on your respective final day (Tuesday, 1/29) & will include both a multiple choice section (55 questions) & 3 short answer questions based on topics from Chapters 12-25.

The photo below is of the schedule that was drawn out on the board in class for you to have reminders about the schedule leading up to finals. Click on the photo to see a larger version.


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