“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. (Sonnet XCVIII)” ― William Shakespeare

This week's schedule:
Monday- Late Start B day
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday- B day
Thursday-  Rally Schedule A day
Friday- B day

U.S. History=
  • Be reading Chapter 14 (on the Civil Rights Movement)!
    • There will be a Civil Rights Quiz this week on 4/4 & 4/5.
    • Last week a new study guide was passed out in class & #1-6 will be very helpful for your Quiz. (Due date TBD, but the quiz is the end of this week.)
    • If you will be gone on the day of your quiz, please make arrangements to take the quiz in advance (before the break)!

AP Euro=
  • We are wrapping up the last two chapters of our textbook.
  • The in-class writing for Ch. 30 & 31 the Multiple Choice exam will be on Friday, 4/5 (your comp books are due that day).
    • We will do the written portion after we return from the break.
    • Here is a link to the Chapter 30 Study Guide & Map.
    • Here is a link to the Chapter 31 Study Guide.
    • Check your School Loop email for a message sent on 4/1 (no joke) with review links for these chapters.
  • Make sure that you have a plan for how you are preparing for the AP Euro Exam in early May. Check back on a School Loop email I sent out in late February with some suggestions for you.


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