“I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” ― Thomas Jefferson

This week’s schedule:
Monday- Late Start B day
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday- B day
Thursday- A day
Friday- Rally Schedule B day (for a program in 4th period classes)

U.S. History=
  • Please bring your comp books every day this week!
  • There will be a JFK & LBJ era Quiz on Monday, 4/29 (A day classes) & Tuesday, 4/30 (B day classes). 
    • Your comp books are due that day. 
    • Please make sure that your Ch. 14 & 15 Study Guide is completed & included in your comp book.
  • This week we will be looking at LBJ in office…his domestic policy programs & his foreign policy as it relates to Vietnam.

A.P. Euro=
  • You have a take-home practice test due at the start of class on Monday. Please set aside 1 hour to complete this exam without notes & bubble your answers on the form you were given.
  • The in-class exam, that will be a portion of your Final for this class will be on Friday, 4/26 & Tuesday, 4/30.
    • This information was explained to you at the start of the 2nd Semester and was printed on your 2nd Semester Reading Schedule that was given out the first week of February.
  • Stick to your own study plan! Although we are reviewing in class, it is important for you to commit additional time to be prepared.
    • Check the School Loop emails I am sending with additional resources.
    • Here is a link to a “One Month AP European History Study Guide” remember you don’t have to use everything, but I am trying to provide you with additional resources.


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