“When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.” - Roy T. Bennett

This week’s schedule:
Monday- Late Start A day
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- A day

U.S. History=
  • Those of you taking AP & IB Exams must communicate in advance when you will be missing class & follow up to get what you have missed.
  • Those of you who missed the Chapter 15 Quiz MUST make it up during lunch on Wednesday.
  • A new study guide will be passed out at the start of the week. Your Vietnam/Counterculture Era Study Guide (to be completed in your comp books) is due on Wednesday, 5/9 & Tuesday, 5/10.
    • If there is a Study Guide due there is a test that day!

AP Euro=
  • Part 2 of your exam (DBQ & LEQ) is on Tuesday, 4/30.
  • Be sure to check your school emails (on School Loop) for reminders & links to help you review.
  • Be working on your own study plan! Although we will be reviewing in class it is important for you to commit additional time to be prepared.
    • Wednesday, 5/8 is Exam day...you can do this!



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