"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot

This week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday–  A day
Thursday– B Day 

Friday– Rally Schedule A day 

U.S. History= 
  • You have the Chapter 9 & 10 Study Guide to be working on. It is due on 1/10 & 1/13, and there will be a short test that day.
  • Your New Deal Propaganda Poster Project was introduced prior to the break and is due on 1/16 & 1/17. 
    • Directions for the project were passed out in class prior to the break & can also be found linked here.
    • The 8.5"x11" poster will be collected in class that day.
    • Your written portion is due to be uploaded to turnitin.com by 11pm that day; you will not need to turn in a hard copy in class.
  • In addition to a Chapter 11 Study Guide that will be given out the end of this week/the start of next week, you will receive a review guide for the 1st Semester Final. This is the last assignment you will be given for the semester.

A.P. Euro= 
  • Your take-home DBQ assignment is due by 11:00pm on Monday, 1/6/20 to www.turnitin.com.
    • Please check your School Loop email message from me prior to the break for the actual prompt & further details.
  • Be sure to keep up with the reading schedule...
    • There will be a Chapter 25 Reading Quiz on Friday, 1/10/20.
  • Your Chapter 25 Study Guide & journal readings (to be completed in your comp book) Should be completed by 1/16.
  • We will wrap up the semester with Chapter 24 that will be introduced at the end of the week.


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