"Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege." -John D. Rockefeller
Don't forget to bring your spare change to your 4th period class this week for the "Race for Relief"! 100% of what is raised will be going to Child Hope International (see further down on the page for a link to a story on CNN involving this organization). Every little bit of money that you are able to give will be going to help the people of Haiti who have been devastated by the earthquakes.

US= You have a Chapter 9 Quiz this week (1/26 for odd periods & 1/27 for even periods). Be sure that you are prepared for it; that means you should actually read the entire chapter! Remember that you also have the Summative Study Guide Questions due later this week (1/28 for odd periods & 1/29 for even periods). We will be spending time in class this week finishing up the 1930s and preparing for our final which covers Chapters 1-9.
IR/PacRim= Your Partner Project is due on Tuesday, 1/26. Be sure that is completed & turned in on time! We will be wrapping up our unit on Disease this week as well as taking some time to prepare for our final that will be on Monday, February 1st. Be sure to take advantage of the study guide that was passed out in class last Friday!
Just so you know...these are some of the faces the money you raise in the "Race for Relief" will be helping in Haiti. Their organization was highlighted in an article on CNN. To learn more about Child Hope International check out their website: http://www.childhope.org/, you will also find a specific link at the top of their homepage with regular updates after the earthquake.
