"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." - Confucius

Oops! All of the sudden it is Wednesday & I realize that I had not yet updated the blog. Sorry for the delay!

US= All classes received the 2nd Quarter US History Summative Study Guide this week. Those questions are due on 1/28 (for even periods) and 1/29 (for odd periods) the test will take place during finals week. Please be keeping up with your textbook reading...Chapter 8 Quiz this week (1/13 & 1/14) and a Chapter 9 Quiz on 1/26 & 1/27.

IR/PacRim= You have a Project due on 1/26....be sure that you stay in contact with you partner to do a good job & get it turned in on time. There is a Map Test on the Northern(ish) Half of Africa on Friday, 1/15...don't forget to study!


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