“The bitterness of studying is preferable to the bitterness of ignorance.”
I sent home an e-mail for an easy 5 point extra credit opportunity via School Loop to all students yesterday...be sure to check School Loop for that. Additionally I will be giving out one more final extra credit opportunity for the semester in class later this week.

US= We are continuing with the Great Depression this week. Remember that you have a Chapter 9 Quiz next week (1/26 for odd periods & 1/27 for even periods). Be sure that you are working on the Chapter 5-9 Study Guide Questions they are also due next week (1/28 for even periods & 1/29 for odd periods). I will be passing out a Study Guide (covering chapters 1-9...what will be included on the final) in class later this week.
IR/PacRim= We are continuing with our unit on Disease. Don't forget to be in contact with your partner regarding your project that is due on Tuesday, January 26th. A bunch of papers will be passed back in class this week as well as a Study Guide for the final.
Just for fun...
