"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."

First Quarter grades are due this week. You will see these grades finalized on-line by Thursday, 11/11 (Veterans Day).

US= You have a Chapter 4 Vocabulary Quiz this week (11/9 for odd periods & 11/10 for even periods); be sure to go through the bold terms in Chapter 4 so you are prepared! We will be wrapping up the last bits of Chapter 4 this week and then be moving on to Chapter 5. Be prepared to see more frequent quizzes in class to make sure that you are keeping up with the reading int he textbook. Homework and potential make-up points will be discussed in class this week...make sure you are in class to hear about it!

Sociology= We just finished up unit 2, but be prepared to see a midterm exam next week (covering both units 1 & 2). We will start to take a look at Unit 3 (Social Inequality) on Wednesday.


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