"I've come to the conclusion that the two most important things in life are good friends and a good bullpen." -Bob Lemon

US= You have your Tribal Pamphlet Project is due this week...it is due (11/3 for odd periods & 11/4 for even periods). A template for it is on School Loop. You also should be working on your 1st Quarter Summative Study Guide (also due 11/3 for odd periods & 11/4 for even periods)...that is your "Homework Packet" this time around. If you are having trouble with finding answers you can come by before school or at lunch time, but not the day it is due!

Sociology= We will be wrapping up Unit #2 this week. On Tuesday we will be doing some review and on Thursday we will have our Unit #2 Exam. Being that this week is the end of the 1st Quarter your extra credit assignment is also due on Thursday, 11/4 (if you chose to do it).
In honor of the 2010 World Series Champion San Francisco Giants and because I can, please enjoy these photos. (I must say, not having a TV made it a very interesting series to listen to.)


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