
Showing posts from 2009

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -Norman Vincent Peale

US= Chapter 6 & 7 Test is this week (Wednesday, 12/16 for odd periods & Thursday, 12/17 for even periods). Don't forget to turn in your homework that same day! Look to the left for more details about the homework. Your final project for the 1st Semester will also be assigned this week, be sure to get that assignment sheet so you can use your time wisely! IR/PacRim= We will be wrapping up the Poverty & Hunger unit this week. Be sure to be looking over your notes and handouts in preparation. We will review in class on Wednesday for Friday, 12/18's Hunger & Poverty Quest.

"Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation." -Kin Hubbard

Well...I'm not sure if it is the weather or what, but my personal computer has seemed to have settled down for a long winter's nap. I currently do not have a computer that operates at home so if you e-mail me in the late afternoon or evening, more than likely I will not see it until the next morning. Please be patient as I am having to make a few adjustments to our class activities since I don't have access to the files on my laptop right now. US= We will be taking out district assessment test covering Chapters 5 & 6 this Thursday, 12/11 (for odd periods) and Friday, 12/12 (for even periods). Please be sure to look back through your textbook to review and prepare. You have your Chapter 6 & 7 notes due next week (look to the left for more details). You will be given a study guide for next week's Chapter 6 & 7 Test later this week. BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR AN EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT IN CLASS THIS WEEK!!! IR/PacRim= Please read through all handouts that you rec...

"How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn...

...How did it get so late so soon?" -Dr. Seuss US= New seats this week...first come, first served! We are starting new Chapters to complete before the Holiday Break. You will get a new homework packet assignment in class this week. PacRim/IR= New seats this week...first come, first served! We are finally starting a new unit on Hunger and Poverty. Get ready to take a look at some numbers regarding how these issues are impacting the global community. Just for case you were wondering:

What are you thankful for?

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks , the fault lies with yourself.” -Tecumseh (Shawnee Chief & Native American Warrior 1768-1813) US= You have Critical Thinking homework questions due 11/23 & 11/24 depending on what period you are in. Click here for the exact page numbers & questions numbers. We will also be taking our Chapter 4 & 5 Test that same day. REMEMBER...the homework will not be accepted after the Thanksgiving holiday! No homework over the break...have a Happy Thanksgiving! IR/PacRim= You have your Southern Half of Africa Map Test on Monday, 11/23. Be sure to study! A new unit & new seats when we come back after the break! No homework over the break...have a Happy Thanksgiving!

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

US= You all have some homework to be taking care of. The questions as are listed in last week's post (scroll down) remain the same, but the due date has changed. Please make a not that for odd periods the questions are now due Monday, 11/23 and for even periods they are due Tuesday, 11/24. This work will not be accepted after the Thanksgiving holiday; if you will not be in class the day it is due you must turn it in early in order to receive credit. IR/PacRim= We will be wrapping up our unit on Human Rights this week. On Thursday, 11/19 you will be taking your Human Rights unit test. Remember that next week on Monday, 11/23 you have your Southern(ish) half of Africa Map Test. Just for you know what city this photo was taken in?

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."

Well folks, another interesting week is upon us! This week we do not have school on Wednesday in honor of Veterans Day. I would encourgage you to do a little more looking into what Veteran's Day is all about, why it started, and why our nation continues to honor those who have served in the military services. Please check out this site for a bit more about how the current Veteran's Day came to be in the U.S. or this site for some more history & trivia about the holiday. All 1st Quarter Grades will be finalized and updated on School Loop by Thursday, 11/12. US= We are continuing with Chapter 4 & will be moving in to Chapter 5 next week. You will receive a new Homework Packet this week (Critical Thinking Questions #s 4-6 on pages: 107, 114, 120, 127 (#s 4-7 on this page), 131, 143, 150, 155, & 163) it is due Thursday, 11/19 (for odd periods) and Friday, 11/20 (for even periods). IR/PacRim= We will be working on finishing up our unit on Human Rights this week and ...

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." ~Thomas Jefferson

Here we are at the end of the 1st Quarter already...lots of work due this week in all classes. US= Your Tribal Pamphlet is due Tuesday, 11/3 (for even periods) and Wednesday, 11/4 (for odd periods). It is your job to make sure that these assignments are turned in on time even if you are not in class. This assignment was given in mid-October you have had plenty of time to complete it! You also have your 25 Homework Questions due this week...Wednesday, 11/4 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 11/5 (for even periods). On that same day we will be taking the NMUSD District 1st Quarter Summative Exam. Do a good job with those questions & you will be well prepared! IR/PacRim= You have your Poem & visual on Women's Rights is due on Wednesday, 11/4. Don't forget to include a bibliography including the sources that you used.

"The stillness of October gold went out like beauty from a face." - E. A. Robinson

US= Chapter 2 Test & Homework Packet scores will not be posted until the end of this week. There are still a significant number of students who need to make-up the test before I can pass things back & post all scores. There will be an extra credit opportunity given in class on Monday & Tuesday this will be due the following class exceptions!!! I have posted a template for your Native American Tribal Pamphlet on School Loop, you don't have to use the template, but is a tool to help you out. Remember that the project is due on Tues., 11/3 for even periods & Wed., 11/4 for odd periods. You received your new HW assignment last week; odd periods are due on Wed., 11/4 & even periods are due Thurs., 11/5 on the day it is due you will be taking the district 1st Quarter Summative US History Test.  IR/PacRim= We are continuing with the Human Rights Unit & this week you will be receiving your 2nd project assignment of the 1st quarter. The proj...

"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to." ~John Ed Pearce

It's Homecoming Week! Do you know the origins of Homecoming? Check out this link for the history of how it all got started.  US= You have all been given the first project assignment for this semester. Your Native American Tribal Pamphlet is due Tuesday, 11/3 (for odd periods) & Wednesday, 11/4 (for even periods). You should get started on is 10% of your semester grade! We will be moving on to Chapter 3 this week and you will find that the homework packet for this chapter is very different. It will be explained in class this week. IR/PacRim= You have a Map Test on South America this Thursday, 10/22...don't forget to study! We will continue with the topic of Minority Rights this week & start to look at some specific situations.

“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!!! All classes have an opportunity to earn 5 points of extra credit this week. On Tuesday, 10/13 attend the Varsity Volleyball game in the main gym versus Los Alamitos (check in class for the time). When you arrive I will be in the balcony...come & sign in with me. After the match is over return & answer a simple trivia question regarding what we have been studying in class & the points are yours. ☺ US= We will be wrapping up the Civil War this week. Odd periods have their Chapter 2 Homework Packets due on Friday, October 16th...while even periods have their Homework Packets due on Monday, 10/19. Don't forget that you will also have your Chapter 2 test that same day! IR/PacRim= We are continuing with our unit on Human Rights. A new map will be given out on Wednesday; it will be due on Friday, 10/16. Just for you know how to tell just by looking what type of elephant this is?

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October."

The quote above is by Nathaniel Hawthorne. ALL CLASSES...GRADES WILL BE UPDATED BY WEDNESDAY EVENING (10/7) AT THE LATEST. After that please check for School Loop grades to be updated approximately every other week. Thank you for your patience! US= You have now been given your Chapter 2 Homework Packet! It is due Friday, 10/16 (for odd periods) and Monday, 10/19 (for even periods) . Please keep up with that homework. We will be moving through Chapter 2 very quickly. IR/PacRim= YOUR CENTRAL AMERICA & CARIBBEAN MAP TEST IS THURSDAY, 10/8... Don't forget to study!!! Now that we are all getting settled in to being in one class together we will be moving forward and starting a new unit on Human Rights. On Tuesday, 10/6 come prepared to go over the Human Rights Squares that you filled in during class last Friday. Just for fun...can you identify this landmark?

"For summer there, bear in mind, is a loitering gossip, that only begins to talk of leaving when September rises to go." -George Washington Cable

US= Make-up points on your US Map Quiz Tuesday, 9/29 by coming in at 7:15 am!   Your Chapter 1 Test is on Wednesday, 9/30 (for odd  periods) and Thursday, 10/1 (for even periods) . Your Chapter 1 Homework Packets are also due that day! IR/PacRim= We will be wrapping up our unit on Geography & Culture this week, be prepared for a Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) on Wednesday, 9/30 (for 1st period) and Thursday, 10/1 (for 6th period) . We will spend some time in class re viewing in preparation for the Quest. Culture Collage grades will be given back at the end of the week.  Just for fun...

"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer." -Helen Hunt Jackson

All classes can expect to see grade updates on School Loop by the end of this week! US= We took our first quiz & will have that scored and back to you by Thursday or Friday of this week. Remember that you need to be working on your Chapter 1 Homework Packet (it is due on Wednesday, 9/30 for odd periods & Thursday, 10/1 for even periods) . IR/ PacRim = You have been given your first project assignment...the "Culture Collage" that is due Thursday, 9/24 for 1st period & Friday, 9/25 for 6 th period. We will continue with Culture this week & you should be on the look out for a Geography/Culture Quest ( longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) sometime next week (the exact date will be given in class later this week) . Just for fun.. a bird's eye view.

"You learn something every day if you pay attention." - Ray LeBlond

Well folks...we made it through the first week! Let's take a look at what we have going on this week: US= All US history classes have been given a US Map to be completed & study for the Map Quiz. If you are in an odd period class (3rd or 5th) your Quiz in Friday, 9/18; if you are in an even period class (2nd or 4th) your Quiz is Monday 9/21. You are also to have you worksheet completed & turn it in on the day of your Quiz. It will not be accepted late!!! Also US History classes were all given their first Homework Packet is due on Wednesday, 9/30 for odd periods & Thursday, 10/1 for even periods. If you have questions please ask in advance! Look on School Loop if you have lost your assignment sheets. IR/PacRim= We are getting started on our Geography & Culture unit this week. Please come to class prepared to participate & get some work done! Look for an update at the end of the week regarding homework. Just for fun...this is the current wallpape...


I know, I know..."welcome back to school" is not your favorite phrase to hear, but hopefully you have gotten off to a good start for the new school year! I'm looking forward to having a great year. All Classes= Your first assignment is to take your syllabus home, share it with your parent/guardian, have them sign it, and bring the signed syllabus back to class. Also be sure to get logged on to School Loop this week! Here is the first "fun photo" of the year. I took this picture in August (no editing has been done to the photo), can you guess what was going on and where this was taken?

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin

Have a great summer; see you in September!

"Your schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues." ~Author Unknown

All classes will be taking finals this week. The schedule is as follows: Monday= 1st period (8:00-10:00) & 5th period (10:20-12:20) Tuesday= 2nd period (8:00-10:00) & 6th period (10:20-12:20) Wednesday= 3rd period (8:00-10:00) & 7th period (10:20-12:20) Thursday= 4th period (8:00-10:00) & 8th period (10:20-12:20) Graduation also takes place on Thursday. Friday= All final semester grades will be posted on-line by noon. Have a safe summer & don't forget that Sunday is the day to be sure and wish your dad a...

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." ~Aristotle

This is the last week of classes before finals! Be sure that you are in class so that you do not anything! Study guides for all classes have been posted on School Loop! US= Don't forget that our Film Festival in Tuesday night...starting promptly at 6:00 pm. Parents & siblings are invited; we'll meet outside of Beek Hall (where the food cart normally is at break & lunch). The rest of this week will be devoted to reviewing for the final. All stamped work & your textbooks are due Thursday, 6/11 (for odd periods) and Friday, 6/12 (for even periods)! PacRim/IR= We will be finishing up our unit on War & sure that you do NOT miss class this week! All stamped work is due on Friday, June 12th! Remember that stamps are extra credit!

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June." - L. M. Montgomery

June is here...the count down is is winding down (or is it)??? US= Be prepared for a quiz on Chapter 19 Section 2 early this week. Be sure to read through the rest of Chapter 19 by this Thursday & Friday. You have workbook pages 155, 157, 160, & 162 due this week (Thursday, 6/4 for even periods & Friday, 6/5 for odd periods). Don't forget that your film project is due FRIDAY, 6/ will lose a full letter grade for each day it is late! That means if you turn it in on Monday the highest grade you can get is a C+! PacRim /IR= You have map test on Western Europe on Thursday, 6/4. Also be sure to bring your materials to put together the "Tools of Foreign Policy" posters with your group in class.

"They fell, but o'er their glorious grave floats free the banner of the cause they died to save." ~Francis Marion Crawford

I hope you took some time to remember what Memorial Day is all about and why we have this holiday. I know that I am grateful for those who's lives have been lost in service to our country. Herman Zeitchik , from Silver Spring, Md., a veteran of WWII, left, hugs USAF Col. Rob Quinn at the World War II Memorial in Washington, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009. Zeitchik , an Army veteran of WWII, was at the Battle of the Bulge, as well as D-Day and many others of the Atlantic campaign. The Capitol is seen with the flags surrounding the Washington Monument, right, at half staff, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009, in Washington. Memorial Day commemorates US men and women who have died while in the military service. Bud Hansen, left, a U.S. Marine veteran of WWII, walks with his wife Linda Hansen at the World War II Memorial in Washington, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009. US= You should start reading Chapter 19 and expect a quiz later this week on at least section 1! Your...

“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.” ~William Arthur Ward

This week is STAR Testing. Everyone will test in their 3rd period class unless you received a notice that you are to test elsewhere. Be sure to get a good night's rest eat a good breakfast int he morning before testing. Testing is Monday -Wednesday, Thursday is a 'B' day, and Friday is a traditional day. Check out the school website for the actual time schedule. US= You have you decades film script due on Friday (5/22). All classes also have workbook pages 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, & 153 due on Friday as we are finishing up Chapters 17 & 18 and taking our test that day. PacRim/IR= You have your Disease Quest on Thursday, 5/21. Be sure to go back through your notes on TB, Malaria, & HIV/AIDS. We will review in class before taking the quest.

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." - Edwin Way Teale

Lots of stuff going on this time of year! Be sure to stay up to date on all that is going on!   US= Expect a quiz on Chapter 17 this week! Your decade film scripts are due on Friday, May 22nd (a traditional day). Also on that day you have workbook pages 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, & 153 due...we will be taking our Chapter 17 & 18 Test that day as well. Be sure to keep up with the reading in the textbook! We may also be spending a little time this week in preparation for next week's STAR prepared to look back at what we have been studying through out the year! PacRim/IR= Your "Design an Awareness Campaign" Project was due today. If you did not turn it in get it turned in right away!!! Your Map test on Eastern Europe is this coming Thursday, May 14th. Be sure to study! You have a few other items to bring to class this Thursday: your HIV/AIDS worksheet (just 12 questions to complete), the permission slip for the UCI field trip, and the Global C...

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." ~Honoré de Balzac

US= You have the Extra Credit "Letter from Vietnam" due on Tuesday, 5/5 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 5/6 for (even periods). We will be starting our new unit moving on to Chapters 17 & 18, but not before covering the Counter Culture Movement that was well known in the 1960s. Remember that you have your storyboards for the Decade Film Project due this week. On Monday morning you will see which decade your group received. Be sure to take the time to properly research & be thoughtful in your choice of the top ten events/individuals that influenced American culture in that particular decade. If you are not in a group...see me ASAP! You can not afford to get a "zero" on this project! PacRim /IR= We will be starting our unit on Disease this week. You will be given a little bit of time to work with your partner on the "Design an Awareness Campaign" project; don't forget that it is all due on May 12 th ! Be on the look out for a new map this...

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

Well here we are almost at the end of April already! We've still got a lot going on, so be sure to keep up with your work! ***If you need to make up a test or quiz, remember that Wednesday's during the late start are your make up opportunities. Please arrive by 8:10 am to make up any work then. US= Your workbook pages (Chapter 15 all 3 sections & Chapter 16 section 1-4) are due on Wednesday, 4/29 (for odd periods) and Thursday 4/30 (for even periods). There will also be a test on that given day. Be sure to be reading your textbook & go back through your notes to be prepared. Also your commitment forms for the final project of the semester are due Friday. Be sure to choose your groups wisely. This project makes up 12.5% of your grade! PacRim/IR= We are wrapping up our unit on Poverty & Hunger this week. We will have a Quest on Thursday, 4/30. Also a new project will be introduced this'll be interesting! P.S. Remember if you are attempting to take AP E...

"Oh, the lovely fickleness of an April day!" - William Hamilton Gibson

If you are interested in taking one of the AP classes offered by the Social Studies Department you are required to attend the informational meetings that start this week. All meetings will take place at lunch in portable #9...please see the list below for the specific days! *Tuesday, April 21st with Mr. Robinson (the younger) - AP European History *Wednesday, April 22nd with Ms. Newman - AP World History *Thursday, April 23rd with Mr. Lear - AP US History *Friday, April 24th with Ms. Lee - AP Government *Tuesday, April 28th with Dr. Naasz - AP Psychology US= We are continuing in our unit covering chapters 15 &16 from the textbook. Don't forget to be reading the book as we work on covering different topics in class . You should also be working on completing all 5 questions on workbook pages 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, & 137. We are doing the pages from chapter 15 (sections 1-3) and chapter 16 (sections 1-4...NOT section 5)! These pages are due the day of our Chapter 15 ...

"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment." - Ellis Peters

Welcome back! I think we all agree that breaks go by way too fast, but now it's time to get back into the swing of things. All classes are starting new units this week. More information about work being assigned will be posted later in the week. I too enjoyed the break & did not get as much grading done as I thought I would. PLEASE be patient as I work on getting grades updated through out the rest of the week! Thank you! US= You have an opportunity to answer Study Guide questions for extra credit, the sheet is posted on School Loop. This is due on Wednesday, 4/15 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 4/16 (for even periods). For each question correctly answered you will receive 1 point of extra credit. This assignment will NOT be accepted after the given due date! PacRim/IR= We are starting our new unit on Poverty. This week you will be given a new map (Russia & former CIS nations); you are to completed & color this is due on Thursday, 4/16. Just for fun...

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. A.Bradstreet

The last week before break...don't slack off, you've got work due in class this week! US= You have your first project of the semester due on Thursday, 4/2 (for odd periods) and Friday, 4/3 (for even periods). Also due that day are your workbook pages (117, 119, &121) AND you will be taking a Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) on Chapter 14 and the Civil Rights Movement. Don't forget that classes will also be visiting counselors to register for next year's classes (Wed., 4/1 for even periods & Thurs., 4/2 for odd periods). If you have not already turned in your blue registration form you must bring that to class to be prepared to meet with your counselor. PacRim/IR= You have your first project due on Wednesday, April 1st. Be sure to have your poem, visual, & bibliography ready to turn in on that day. We will be wrapping up out unit on Human Rights with apartheid this week & taking a Human Rights Quest on Friday, April 3rd.

"A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have." ~Author Unknown

Extra Credit Alert for ALL CLASSES: You all have an extra credit opportunity (Tuesday, March 24th) by attending Peer Court after school in portable #9 from 3:15-5:15. To earn the extra credit (and even some community service hours) you must be there the entire time! To get the extra credit answer the following questions about each case (there will be a maximum of 4 cases): a- What was the case about? (i.e. what are they in trouble for doing?), b- What was the jury's decision & did the judge change anything?, and c- Did you agree or disagree with the outcome? Why? Additionally some of you will have the opportunity to be jurors and ask questions (if you end up being chosen for that please answer the above questions for your case only AND write about what the jury experience was like...hard, easy, confusing, etc.) This write up on Peer Court will be due 1 week after the event (Tuesday, March 31st). US= We are starting a new unit on the Civil Rights Movement & this time we wil...

"May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go." -Irish Blessing

US= You have your chapter 12 & 13 Homework Packet due this week (Tuesday, 3/17 for odd periods and Wednesday, 3/18 for even periods). Don't forget that you will have a test on the 1950s & the Cold War that same day. I have posted a Study Guide on School Loop for you. PacRim/IR= We are continuing with our Human Rights Unit. On Wednesday, 3/18 you will be receiving your first project assignment of the semester. More details will follow! There is an EXTRA CREDIT opportunity for all classes at the Newport Beach Public Library on evening of Wednesday, March 18th.You have a chance to meet two heroes of humanitarian relief work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Drs. Julie and Michael Van Rooyen. Please attend this lecture to learn about the extraordinary work being done by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in the third world. The Van Rooyens' lecture "Attacking the Epidemic of Gender-Based Violence in Central Africa: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and the ...

“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.” -Winston Churchill

Speaking of change...did everyone change their clocks this past weekend? It's time to spring forward! Did you turn in all of your work? Do you have a zero entered in the grades because you did not turn in a paper after you were absent? I will give you until Friday, March 13 to get those papers turned in. US= We are finishing up with the Cold War & moving on to other topics that impacted the US in the 1950s. Be sure to keep up with your work...there is a test next week (March 17h & March 18 th ). Due to time constraints the first project of this semester was not given out last week, but you will be getting it this week. Don't delay on getting that started! PacRim /IR= We will continue to look at Human Rights this week we will be focusing on Minority Rights. Please be in class as we will have a couple of group activities that cannot be replicated at home! Just for fun...this week our first period U.S. History class has a unique opportunity to take a virtual field trip a...

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." -C. Dickens

US= You have received a new Homework Packet, be sure to get started on that...also you will receive your first project assignment of the second semester this week (thus the shorter homework packet this time around). Start thinking creatively for that project & be sure to ask early if you have questions! PacRim /IR= We will be continuing with our new unit on Human Rights this week. You have your Asia Map Test on Friday, March 6 th ; don't forget to study! Just for fun...did you go to Walk the Walk at the House of Blues??? Check out hurley .com  for pictures & video from the event or E.J. Kehoe's photography site for more photos from that night.


***EXTRA CREDIT ALERT FOR ALL CLASSES*** This Saturday, February 28th you have an opportunity to earn some extra credit. High School Students may see Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, David Hume Kennerly speak at the Newport Beach Public Library. T hese are the details: It is free for students...if you bring your NHHS student id card. The event takes place this Saturday, February 9th from 11am-noon. Doors open at 10:45am and seating is limited to 200 people. It will take place at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach in the Friends Meeting Room. You can call 949-548-2411 for more information. To receive extra credit you will do a write up about the event and turn it in by Friday, March 6th. The write up must be 1 full page, typewritten, & include: the speaker's background & upbringing, issues addressed in the book, advice the speaker shared, your opinion (good or bad) about the talk, and 3 quality questions you would ask the speaker if giv...

"February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March." -Dr. J. R. Stockton

Extra Credit Alert for ALL CLASSES: You all have an extra credit opportunity (Tuesday, February 24th) by attending Peer Court after school in portable #9 from 3:15-5:15. To earn the extra credit (and even some community service hours) you must be there the entire time! To get the extra credit answer the following questions about each case (there will be a maximum of 4 cases): a- What was the case about? (i.e. what are they in trouble for doing?), b- What was the jury's decision & did the judge change anything?, and c- Did you agree or disagree with the outcome? Why? Additionally some of you will have the opportunity to be jurors and ask questions (if you end up being chosen for that please answer the above questions for your case only AND write about what the jury experience was like...hard, easy, confusing, etc.) This write up on Peer Court will be due 1 week after the event (Tuesday, March 3rd). US= You have your first homework packet of the new semester due this week on Cha...

"I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man."

The above quote is by George Washington in honor of our "Presidents Recess" (although most of you refer to it as "Ski Week"). Enjoy the week off, but be sure to take care of any work & studying you need to have done for class next week. Check directly above for what work you may have due when classes resume. In case you did not see last week's post...a glimpse of Winter Formal:

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." -Abraham Lincoln

This week marks the bicentennial celebration of President Abraham Lincoln's birth. Check out this site for lots of great information about the impact the 16th president had on our nation. US= Please keep up with your reading in chapter 10 & 11. There will be a quiz on Chapter 11, sections 1 & 2 on Thursday, 2/12 (for odd periods) and Friday, 2/13 (for even periods). Your homework packet is due the week after the break...that means that your Chapter 10 & 11 test will take place that week as well (Wednesday, 2/25 & Thursday, 2/26). PacRim/IR= We will be wrapping up our lessons on Geography this week & be moving on to Culture. There will be some group work on Wednesday that will require you to be prepared for class on Friday. Just for fun...    

"Good things happen to those who hustle." -Anais Nin

Welcome to the second semester! We have quickly become busy again, but please do your very best to hustle and stay on top of your work this time around so you can earn the best grade possible! US= You were given a new homework packet this week in is due Wednesday 2/25 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 2/26 (for even periods). Be sure to keep up with the chapter readings since your quizzes will be based on the textbook readings. There will be a chapter 10, section 1 & 2 quiz on Friday, 2/6 (for odd periods) and Monday, 2/9 (for even periods). PacRim/IR= Welcome, you should have received a syllabus in class on Tuesday. Please bring that back signed by yourself & a parent/guardian. We will be moving forward with our first unit on Geography & Culture the rest of the week. Just for fun...

First Semester Finals are here!!!

Grades for the first semester will be finalized and posted on school loop by Friday, January 30th. Some periods may be up before that, but ALL classes will have final grades posted by Friday. Be sure to bring at least one #2 pencil to class for the final and something to quietly read when you electronic devices will be allowed!!! Here is what this week's Finals Schedule looks like: MONDAY, 1/26 1st period (8:00-10:00) 5th period (10:20-12:20) TUESDAY, 1/27 2nd period (8:00-10:00) 6th period (10:20-12:20) WEDNESDAY, 1/28 3rd period (8:00-10:00) 7th period (10:20-12:00) THURSDAY, 1/29 4th period (8:00-10:00) 8th period (10:20-12:20) FRIDAY, 1/30 lucky school for you! See you at Winter Formal!

“It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” -Whitney M. Young Jr.

The last week of class before finals....where do you begin? Be sure to take a look at the suggestions you received last week for how to study for the final! ALL STAMPED WORK IS DUE THIS WEEK (either Thursday or Friday...depending on which periods you are in)!!! Remember that stamped work is extra credit! NEWS FLASH...all classes will be allowed to use 1 hand-written 3x5 index card during the final next week. These cards will be collected. US= There is a Chapter 9 Quiz on Tuesday (1/20 for odd periods) and Wednesday (1/21 for even periods). Your Chapter 8 & 9 Homework Packets (Cornell Notes on both chapters as well as workbook pages 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80) are due Thursday (1/22 for odd periods) and Friday (1/23 for even periods). Next week is you have any questions be sure to ask in advance ! PacRim/IR= We will be finishing the film "Sometimes in April" as well as be visited by your counselor regarding the switching of classes at the semester th...

"Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

US= You have a Chapter 8 Quiz this week (Tuesday for odd periods and Wednesday for even periods). Be reading the book & keeping up with your Homework Packet by taking notes & doing the workbook pages (these are due next week). By the end of the week you will be given a study guide for the semester final. Be sure to ask about work that needs to be passed back. IR/PacRim= Your North Africa & Middle East Map Test is this Wednesday, 1/14...don't forget to study! We will finish our notes on the War in Bosnia. By the end of the week you will be given a study guide for the semester final. Be sure to ask about work that needs to be passed back.

“Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.”

Hello 2009!  I hope that you all enjoyed the break! Well here we are just a few weeks away from the end of the sure to stay on top of your work before finals!   US= Your extra credit assignment is due Wednesday, 1/7 (for odd periods) & Thursday, 1/8 (for even periods)...the assignment is posted on School Loop. Be sure to bring your "Graphing Indicators of the Great Depression" worksheet back to class, as we continue to learn about the 1930s and the Great Depression we will be using that sheet to answer some questions. We will not have a test on Chapters 8 & 9 before the final, but there will be a quiz on each of the  chapters. You should be ready for a quiz on Chapter 8 as early as the end of this week! Your homework is to do Cornell Notes for both chapters 8 & 9 and to complete workbook pages 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80...this is due Thursday, 1/22 (for odd periods) and Friday, 1/23 (for even periods). PacRim/IR= You will be getting your final...